Tuesday 29 November 2011

Survival Guide

How to survive high school s pretty simple. There is just a few tips so you don't get a hiding or be hated. Never be a showoff people will judge you strait away , don't be a slut so keep your skirt knee high. Don't cheat on people because their boys or girls will give you a hiding. These may sound stupid but they are very useful tips.

You may think your cool snitching but it will get you back trust me, don't be a hard out teachers pet because you will most likely get a hiding. Don't wear loads of make up because it will show you are a fake person so keep it limited. Don't be a try hard because people will hate you strait away. Don't back stab you will get a hiding.

Be cool and nice to teachers and students you will make heaps of friends. Be your self and don't smoke it's Gross it is better to be natural (; , don't try to be a gangster or thug that is mine and keilys job.

Tuesday 8 November 2011


I tyred commenting on blogs but it kept saying i couldn't sorry (:

How to party for it (:

Christmas Day is celebrated as a major festival and public holiday in countries around the world, including many whose populations are mostly non-Christian. In some non-Christian countries, periods of former colonial rule introduced the celebration (e.g. Hong Kong); in others, Christian minorities or foreign cultural influences have led populations to observe the holiday. Countries such as Japan and Korea, where Christmas is popular despite there being only a small number of Christians, have adopted many of the secular aspects of Christmas, such as gift-giving, decorations and Christmas trees.
Notable countries in which Christmas is not a formal public holiday include People's Republic of China, (excepting Hong Kong and Macao), Japan, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Thailand, Nepal, Iran, Turkey and North Korea. Christmas celebrations around the world can vary markedly in form, reflecting differing cultural and national traditions.
Among countries with a strong Christian tradition, a variety of Christmas celebrations have developed that incorporate regional and local cultures. For Christians, participating in a religious service plays an important part in the recognition of the season. Christmas, along with Easter, is the period of highest annual church attendance.
In CathEpiphany.olic countries, the people hold religious processions or parades in the days preceding Christmas. In other countries, secular processions or parades featuring Santa Claus and other seasonal figures are often held. Family reunions and the exchange of gifts are a widespread feature of the season. Gift giving takes place on Christmas Day in most countries. Others practice gift giving on December 6, Saint Nicholas Day, and January 6,

Christmas day

Christmas day is the 24th of December every year it is celebrated as a family coming together or celebrating Jesus's Birthday. For most people around the world Christmas time is forgiving and forgetting. Children on Christmas love knowing that 'Santa' is coming for all the good boys and girls to bring them a sack of goodies. My family usually celebrates with my dads side of the family in Napier or Taranaki, we come together and have loads of laughs and fun. But some people can't celebrate this wonderful time because of their religion it is a time for GOD and not for the family. I believe that it's a time God made for us to remember the good things and forget the bad things. Christmas is my favorite time of year because I see my family and get to hang out with them (:


Tuesday 1 November 2011


English Vocabulary
Correct! normally = usually
You have now donated 80 grains of rice.

Monday 3 October 2011

#internet a bad place ?....

i reckon that the Internet isn't a bad place it is only bad if you don't know what you are doing and what sites you go on. it may be the fact people click on stupid link that say things like "congratulations you just won $1000,000 yay" or "well done you are the 1000000000 person to see this link click here to claim your prize!" but if you are stupid and click these it can lead to viruses or people hacking you computer :/.

so the Internet is not a Meany just don't click on random things and renew your computer security thing. (:

I'm amazing
xx Olivia

Tuesday 27 September 2011

#the second reveiw


43-17 our second game of the season, our first game wasn't amazing we lost by two but out second game was the best, even though we have played two games we have pretty good players, but I reckon I'm the worst in my team that's ok. We have some really amazing players and players that have never played before, but to be honest they are actually quite good. Our team just needs to work on a few things and we may be able to take it out. We had really good shooting by Lauren, Jennifer and Stevie. Our defence was good getting some amazing intercepts and getting the ball back to our hoop for a goal. Even though we had a few mistakes we won ! (:

YAY i am finished bro :L

xx olivia

Tuesday 20 September 2011

#the first review(:


; In this episode, to be honest the chicks hair looked terrible. She looked like she had a birds nest on her head, so basically she looked like a purple tree with birds living in her hair, TERRIBLE. She wasn't very lucky because she lost the $50,000 in her first 6 cases (guts) and she also lost the $20,000, $15,000 and the car ): . Even though this version was the Australian one i liked it because 25 people get the chance to win $500 if they guess the right number of whats in their case, unlike the New Zealand one that has the ladies in the wigs that hold the cases and nobody else gets to win some money only one contestant does.

Really this chick was not lucky, she lost the $200,000, $100,000, $75,000 and the $50,000 before she was half way through the cases. She end up going home with $1,800, also her brother won a mega guess of  $10,000 when she only had $250 in her case, :L
YAY! I have one review done (:

xx  olivia


;do i really have to do a reveiw?
...well two reviews ):

xx olivia